Here's a "just for fun" quiz on creation. Now you remember, we don't give the answers anywhere on the website; but if you really get stumped, you can contact us and we will be glad to help! It almost always helps if you read the Scriptures whenever they are provided! (Hint: You will find all the answers in Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, but try to answer them all first and then go back and check your answers as you read the story!)
What are the first two things Yahweh created?
A. __________________ B. _______________ -
Yahweh said:
A. "Let there be trees."
B. "Let there be animals."
C. "Let there be light."
D. "Let there be creeping things." -
Yahweh divided the water from water.
True ___________ False __________ -
What did Yahweh call the firmament? __________________
What moved over the water? _______________________
What did Yahweh call the dry land? ___________________
Yahweh called the water by what name? ______________________
On which day of creation did Yahweh make grass and trees?
A. second
B. third
C. fourth
D. fifth -
On which day did Yahweh create great whales? _________________
Yahweh created creeping things on the fourth day.
True __________ False __________ -
What did Yahweh think about all of His creation?
_______________________________________ -
What did Yahweh do on the seventh day?
_______________________________________ -
Match the creation days with what was created:
A. |
Day one |
_____ |
Creeping things |
B. |
Day two |
_____ |
Light |
C. |
Day three |
_____ |
Winged fowl |
D. |
Day four |
_____ |
Tree yielding fruit |
E. |
Day five |
_____ |
Man |
F. |
Day six |
_____ |
Nothing |
G. |
Day seven |
_____ |
Creatures that move |
_____ |
Cattle |
_____ |
Dry land |
_____ |
Heaven |
_____ |
Oceans |
_____ |
Stars |
How was the earth first described?
______________________________________________ -
Yahweh told Adam and Eve to be ____________________ and __________________.
Adam and Eve were to have dominion over the ________________, ____________________ and __________________________.
How did you do? If you did good, you get a