Music is such a big part of our worship and is very scriptural! There is a lot of music out there now which uses our Heavenly Father's Great Name and it is only fitting that we should include some for the younger set. This page features songs primarily sung by children for children and many times, we've added the words so they can sing along.
Music, Music - Sing-A-Long
Special Thanks to "Praises for Yahweh"
The Ten Commandments
You are worthy of honour and praise,
You are the mighty El and our Creator
You are worthy, Yahweh our King!
Yahweh spake all these words saying, "I am Yah thy Elohim,
Which have brought thee out of Egypt," That thou might be pure and clean
Thou shalt have no El before Me, Nor a graven image make;
I abhor these man-made idols, I am jealous for Thy sake.
Speak Yah's Holy Name with reverence, Use not names of blasphemy;
Then the Sabbath day remember, How to keep it faithfully.
Give thy father and thy mother all the honour that should be
So thy days may all be lengthened, As thy El-o-him gives thee.
Though shalt not do any murder, Nor commit a-dult-ery.
Thou shalt never be a robber, if my children thou wouldst be.
Lie not thou against thy neighbor, Covet nothing not thine own.
These are Yahweh's ten commandments that He wrote upon the stone.
These are Yahweh's ten commandments that He wrote upon the stone.
The WaWa Song
Words & Music by
Ernie Rettino & Debby Kerner
I'm gonna walk wa wa
Sing la la
Shout oh and clap my hands until (clap, clap)
Yahshua comes again,
Woooo yeah!
1) I know I have a friend
who walks beside of me
and every time I call on Him,
I walk in victory.
2) On days when trials come
and my heart goes clippety ying,
I'm glad for Yahshua
and that He taught me how to sing.
3) And now I'm full of joy, and
I'm living in His promised land.
I'm gonna shout out loud
I'm really going to clap my hands.
Chorus (sing twice)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In His Time
Words & Music by
Diane Ball
In His time, in His time
He makes all things beautiful, in His Time
Yah, please show me everyday as you're teaching me your way
That you do just what you say, in Your time.
In Your time, in Your time,
You make all things beautiful in your time.
Yah, my life to you I bring,
May each song I choose to sing
Be to you a lovely thing, in your time.
In His time, in His time,
He makes all things beautiful, in His Time
Yah, please show me everyday as you're teaching me your way
That you do just what you say, in Your time.
In Your time, in Your time,
You make all things beautiful in your time.
Yah, my life to you I bring,
May each song I choose to sing
Be to you a lovely thing, in your time.
Be to you a lovely thing, in our time.
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